Varun Eye Care

Squint Eye Treatment at Home

Have you ever experienced Lazy Eyes? Hope you would have come across the eye complications. We people are always addicted to laziness in doing routine things. At times, it becomes our practice to slow down the activities. It is fine if you are lazy, but when it comes to your eyes, it is not a good sign. You may experience lazy eyes when your eyes are sending partial signals. When your eyes are suffering from a squint, one of your eyes will send stronger signals, and the other eye will send weaker signals. Thus it makes it difficult for the...

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Varun Eye Care - Contoura Lasik Surgery

Contoura Lasik Surgery

Get refractive error correction – Contoura Lasik Surgery. The advanced technologies in the health care industry are to comfort the patients who are suffering from any diseases. Unfortunately, some of them are patients able to get this advanced technology assistance in their cases. Still, the researchers are working behind it to give everyone sufficient support to lead a happy life through the current system of medication and surgery. The lenses or specs removal surgery never falls out of it, Lasik surgery is brought to the user to get rid of refractive error vision problems, but only some can get it...

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Varun Eye Care

What is Glaucoma Treatment?

Glaucoma Treatment The eye cannot be the thing. It could be later treated when there is a symptom of anything unusual it is advisable to consult the ophthalmologist to save your vision. Of course, as age grows, your eyesight will be getting affected, and this thing couldn’t be changed. According to the survey, millions of people above the age of 60+ are getting a serious eye problem called Glaucoma. Several studies and research are going on Glaucoma treatment. However, still, this is one of the common eye problems people experience when they are getting older.  What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma is an...

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Varun Eye Care

3 Major Benefits of Taking a Cataract Treatment

A cataract is an eye illness generally occurring due to aging. Instead, there is a high chance you might come across that some of your known fellas would have undergone cataract eye surgery. With technological and medical advancements, it is becoming easier to regain your vision from blindness. People above the age of 50 years old find it difficult to read, sight, and drive at night. These are the favorite activities of the common people. But when people experience these kinds of difficulties, we people start to feel the missing part. This is quite common, and these are some common...

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Varun Eye Care

Why do Diabetic Patients have a high chance of getting Cataract Eyes?

Everywhere Diabetes. One-third of the world’s population is suffering from Diabetes. There is still a belief that “Diabetes can be cured permanently.” Hopefully, many scientists are working and relating many facts to end up before it mutates into a genetic disease. The high blood sugar level is the core reason for the segregation of Diabetes. You are the reason for your poor health. Your food pattern and food culture alter the good basic functioning of your healthy body. Still, now, Diabetes can only be controlled. Your increased blood sugar level is due to poor and irregular energy breakdown that is...

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Varun Eye Care

Why am I ineligible for Vision Correction?

Vision Correction or laser eye surgery is always a better choice for people who dream of getting their freedom from glasses. Lasik treatment is the basic and foremost choice to remove the spectacles. But the main thing is, “am I eligible for Lasik eye surgery?”. The answer is, “It depends on your eye health condition and complications.” Yes, your eye health is your decision-maker to undergo laser treatment. Typically, the topography of an eye differs from individual to individual. So, it greatly depends. Eye Examination It is practically impossible to say that you are eligible or ineligible for laser eye...

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